Web Design

How to Choose the Best Website Builder for Small Business

Wordpress Vs. Wix Vs. Webflow

Which website designer is right for your business?

The three big W’s of the internet are no longer the worldwide web. Wordpress, Wix, and Webflow are three of the biggest names in the industry of code-free and DIY web design. If you’re looking to build or manage your own website without becoming a coder (i.e. learning a new language), then you’re in need of a web design platform. We can help you simplify the journey from having an idea to a fully functional website: we build in a platform you can continue to manage, without becoming forever reliant on a web developer to make small changes on your site. 

Let’s break down the high-level differences between these platforms and their offerings, so you can decide the option that’s best for your business. It goes without saying that these are only a few of very many web design platforms available, but they each represent general categories that should be considered when deciding what type of design site is right for you.


First up is the platform with the longest history. The original DIY web builder beloved (and bemoaned) by bloggers for nearly 20 years, Wordpress is used by an astonishing 43.2% of all websites on the internet in 2022. No, really. What’s their hook? Over 30 thousand ultra-customizable themes are available (for free or purchase) to fit nearly any vision you have for your website. These templates make it relatively simple to drop in your content, and come out with a more polished aesthetic than you might on your own. Combined with a library of over 55,000 available plugins, there are many options to solve most any need on the platform.

But does that make it the best choice? In short, no. Hyper-customizability comes at the expense of ease of use too often on Wordpress for it to truly be a pick-up-and-run option for the  typical business owner. If your business revolves around content, like a blog, Wordpress as a Content Management System (CMS) may be worth the learning curve, but it’s not ideal to support offline or non-content-based businesses. WordPress sites also get hacked more often than sites built on other platforms. 


Moving on, we’ll look at Wix. Direct competitor to Squarespace, Wix is a design-centric platform, unlike Wordpress’s focus on content management first. A significant leap forward in quick onboarding compared to Wordpress, Wix offers over 800 designer-made templates to build your site on, and you really can create a functional site in just a few minutes using their ADI, or Artificial Design Intelligence site builder. What does it do? Basically, it prevents you from breaking the design of your website, while still allowing a decent degree of flexibility. Wix strikes a wonderful balance between ease-of-use and customizability. While templates in ADI are plug-and-play with a relatively rigid set of blocks that can be added to pages and populated with content, the next level, Editor X function allows for far more fine-tuned changes. Many integrations exist with Wix to make running nearly any business-type online painless, though Wix truly outshines others with its native features, like in-app chat and marketing management,a robust product and sales tracking feature, and more. 

If you’re looking for ease of use, beautiful design, and scalability, Wix is a terrific option for your business site. 

(Note: though not covered here, Squarespace offers many, but not all, of the same features and functionality as Wix, at a lower entry price. However, some features that are native in Wix will require integration with 3rd party apps if you’re using Squarespace. Many non-techy types love the relative rigidity of Squarespace’s structured (read: unbreakable) editor. Depending on your business’ needs, it may be a better option for you. (Need help with your marketing? See how Mustard & Moxie can help.


Finally, Webflow is a high-control site builder that is suited for experienced designers. The learning curve and technical abilities required to work effectively in Webflow far surpass that of Wix or WordPress, but the benefit is an unmatched degree of customizability. 

Those not familiar with web design can become intimidated and quickly overwhelmed on Webflow. Those with the experience of coding custom sites enjoy the walk in the park Webflow offers, while still delivering ultimate control. With many free and for purchase Webflow templates available for download, building a simple site is never a major undertaking. Unlike on Wix, in order to make use of Webflow’s advanced customization and HTML/CSS editor, programming knowledge is required. While Wix allows custom coding, it is a rare instance where a code-free solution does not exist. This is simply not the case on Webflow. 

Webflow is a great option if your site’s architecture is complex but you’d still like to be able to at least log into a user-friendly interface and, for instance, make small copy tweaks on your own. You will likely need the expertise of a designer for the heavy lifting of site design. 

One crucial benefit Webflow provides is sites with tight code out-of-the-box, meaning you get fast load times that help user experience for your customers and leads, along with improved SEO.  

Here’s a rough breakdown of features available on each platform:

A chart explaining additional differences among WordPress, Webflow, and Wix. While WordPress is the least expensive, it has very few special features. Wix has drag-and-drop functionality for updating page layout, as well as a user friendly editing interface. Webflow has a wealth of design tools and offers the fastest site loading times. Both Webflow and Wix have modern and sleek templates as well as extensive how-to videos, forums, and helpdesks to teach you everything you need.

The Bottom Line on Web Design Platforms for Business Owners 

We recommend that our clients migrate off of WordPress and on to Wix or Webflow, depending on their level of desire to be involved in the site over time, need for scalability, and the essential features required to support each business. Are you looking for more help with your business website, marketing strategy, or branding? Reach out today to get the conversation started, and give yourself back more time to focus on the aspects of your business that you enjoy most.